Ramadan & Hari Raya
(6 Nov to 6 Dec 2002)

Fighting the Crowds

Everyone had to buy a
cute bag of sugar cane juice

Sandra, Petra & Rob

L-R: Antony, Sam, Petra,
Colette, Rob, Naomi,
Sandra, James, Ping
Lis & Dawn

Hai, Lenita & Margaret

L-R: Paul, Lisa, Luke, Steve,
Travis & Dave

L-R: Rachel, Clare, Ritesh,
Adam, Jake & Claudia

Amelia & Sid enjoying
their otah

Elaine refuses to eat
prawns with eyes

Kim and the Henna lady

Thanks Yaz for inviting The InnCrowders
to his place to experience
Hari Raya with a Muslim family

Ali from Mauritius


Yaz telling us about the sweets

L-R: Eammon, Yaz, Ali, Tobi,
Sam, Sid, Orla & Ulli

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